I haven't really blogged about weight loss yet because I'm still pretty uncomfortable talking about it, but let's just say I have shed a couple pounds recently. Like most people, the weight had crept on over the years with a few significant life events really adding some stones to the scales until I finally reached my breaking point.
As the weight has come off the celebration has been focused on where I was in life at each of these weights. So for example, reaching the weight I was at my wedding, or the weight I was when I played rugby, or most recently, the weight I was when I started college. And this morning when I noted to myself that I'd finally shed my freshman 15, it dawned on me that this isn't about going back in time at all. Why am I moving backwards, rewinding my experiences and my knowledge to a time when I was less me, both physically and mentally?
No, this journey is about moving forward. It's about who I am today and who I'll be tomorrow. It's about being lighter physically and mentally and all the spaces in between. No longer am I going to speak about my weight in terms of where I was when I was this size in the past. It's the size I am now, and that's all that matters.
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