Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Feminist Diaries

My experience with feminism is approximately 7 years in to what I assume will be a lifelong journey. I have a bachelor’s degree in Gender & Women’s Studies which I suppose makes me qualified to talk about the basics of feminism, but I’m not an expert and I’m still figuring it out. And since the world isn’t static, the relationship between me, feminism and the real world is constantly changing.
I know a lot of feminists. I’ve read about and by a lot of feminists. Some of those feminists came from a completely academic standpoint and some were diehard radical activists, but most are a combination of the two. The glaring truth about feminism is that there is no one way to be a feminist. I am a feminist, and I can’t even describe it.

There are lots of things that feminism could be, but there is essentially nothing that feminism must be. I know what you’re thinking. “I’m sure we could all agree on at least one thing, that in order to be a feminist you must believe in equality for women.” But no, I’d have to disagree. There certainly are feminist theorists (Margaret Fuller for example) who would argue that women and men are very different, each having different strengths and inherent characteristics. I’m not here to give you a feminist theory lesson, but know that there are many feminist theories, some that radically differ from each other, and they are still all feminist.
In the real world, however, feminism matters more in practice than in theory. Being a feminist affects everything you think about and everything you do, and sometimes you think so hard about something it makes it difficult for you to integrate into mainstream society, something I lovingly call “too feminist to function” or TFTF.

It is these interactions that I plan to explore here, for you to read and discuss. I am not right or wrong in any of my observations, because they are just that. As I said, I am still negotiating my place in this world as a feminist and it helps to talk about it.

I expect that posts will be described as equal parts thoughtful, intelligent, funny and batshit crazy. I’m also hoping to regularly feature guest posts so if you’re interested, get in touch with the “ask me anything” button.
My last request is to keep discussions civil, but please share your insights and opinions so that we can have thoughtful discussion. I won’t delete comments just because I disagree with them but I will delete any posts that are overtly racist, offensive or full of profanity. Let’s be adults, guyz.
Happy reading!

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